June 19, 2024 Selangor



“Dining Cafeteria” or commonly known the Eating Cafe is a kind of the recent trendy environmental/conceptual eating restaurant or dining place which being widely & famously practised since the late 20th century on our nations with respective home recipes on the ground. Here on the middle nation, we found and being successfully recognised among the best recommended Dining Cafeteria “The Woodforest Cafe” running at Klang, Selangor having great positive response from the market all the while.

The Klang, Selangor local originated Ms. Nico Gan Sing Yin (born 1988), together with her younger sister Ms. Anna Gan Sin Wei (born 1991) & husband Mr. Hugo Tai Kwee Wei (Sepang, born 1993) all were the initial founders and also the recent immediate sibling-owners of this best recognised Dining Cafeteria “The Woodforest Cafe” along the Bukit Raja, Klang territory presenting all their very home recipes on signature menus to the locals & visitors under a roof in manner with environmental/conceptual dining condition on the middle ground at Selangor.

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The founders cum sibling-owners Nico Gan Sing Yin (who is in the F&B Production Industry) and Anna Gan Sin Wei, who at their age of 36 & 33 years old currently been grown-up in a f&b families (whose their father being nearly half a decade in the chinese cuisine field running their family’s restaurant at Klang) all the while with vision to have their own eating cafeteria locally. Added Anna Gan & husband Hugo Tai both been reached Taiwan in the year of 2013 stayed few years graduated in the culinary art, later-on practically experienced the cooked food field (by Hugo) and barista (by Anna), also foreseeing the market opportunity in the f&b industry especially the trendy dining cafeteria field and wishing to bring the environmental/conceptual dining place for friends & family gathering enabled them (Nico, Anna & Hugo) decided then successfully established their very first sibling-owned Dining Cafeteria officially named “The Woodforest Cafe” in the mid of year 2016 at Bandar Bukit Raja, Klang serving all their signatures to the public. And finally being recognised among the best in town by the Malaysian F&B E-Media for the year of 2024 on the middle nation at Selangor.

In The Woodforest Cafe, the owners’ very first top recommended in menus will be their all day breakfast/brunch “Grilled Chicken with Peanut Butter on Brioche Sourdough” which most wanted by their regulars here. Daily fresh local-made soft brioche sourdough with peanut butter spreaded, served in combination with their in-house char-grilled juicy overnight marinated boneless chicken thigh/chop, veges & tomato slices, complete sides with potato wedges will brings the excellent crunchy bites of toast/sourdough sandwich eatery with nice savoury tasty combination into mouth that you must have a try when reached Klang, Selangor.

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Secondly will be their special “Spaghetti Creamy Curry Chicken”, which always among their visitors’ favourite in the pasta selections that prepared in the combination of western & asian fusion (taiwanese) recipes by in-house chef. Imported Italian noodles (spaghetti) boil-cooked, then pan-fried with their homemade salted fair spicy curry paste into fresh coconut milk (santan) and local fresh chicken breast cubes/dices, red chilis & home-planted curry leaves with no msg or preservative additive will brings the tasty & healthy kind of their smooth and creamy curry’s swallowed pasta eatery that you will neither found the same elsewhere in town here.

Another will be their famous “Grilled Chicken Chop with Mushroom Sauce” (or Black Pepper Sauce) among their customers’ main course selection from the beginning. Local fresh chicken whole leg commonly selected, cleaned & prepared in boneless then overnight marinated in home recipes, followed by in-house char-grilled dressing with their special chef’s homemade mushroom paste sauce, and finally complete sided of mashed potato, potato fries & fresh veges salad will brings the wonderful chicken chop’s juicy barbecue tasty bites into mouth that you will never regret after tasted here.

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Moreover, the owners also introduced their all time favourite recommended “Classic Waffle” in the sweetie dessert pastry selections like by most of their customers here. Home-mixed waffle flour slurry fresh baked on order, served toppings of vanilla ice-cream and sides with their selected honey (options such chocolate, mango, matcha, red bean etc made available in menus) taken with/dipping on customers’ preference will brings the exotic waffle’s crispy bites with soft swallowed kind of their Classic Waffle eatery that you really cannot missed after meal when stepped into this best recognised Dining Cafeteria “The Woodforest Cafe” at Bandar Bukit Raja, Klang on the middle nation at Selangor.



Address: No. 14,
Jalan Rodat 3/KU5,
Bandar Bukit Raja,
41050 Klang,

Business Hours: 11:00am to 10:00pm (Daily)
(Closed on Alternate Tuesday)




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