June 26, 2024 Selangor



“Chinese Family Kitchen” is all the while a kind of the chinese cuisine eating house or dining restaurant which being widely practised on our nations with respective home recipes on the ground, also among the local chinese family’s favourite place of dining/gathering since decades. Here on the middle nation, we found and being successfully recognised among the best recommended Chinese Family Kitchen “Lion Sight” running at Shah Alam (Subang2), Selangor having great positive response from the market recently.

The Kuala Lumpur local originated Mr. Alan Lim For Sang (born 1973), together with his wife Ms. Cora Siah Sien Lie (Selangor, born 1974) both were the initial founders and also the recent immediate couple-owners of this best recognised Chinese Family Kitchen “Lion Sight” at Bandar Pinggiran Subang, Shah Alam presenting all their very home-cooked recipes in signature menus to the locals & visitors all under a roof on the middle ground at Selangor.

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The initial founders cum owners Alan Lim For Sang (also the restaurant’s main chef) and Cora Siah Sien Lie, who at their age of 51 & 50 years old currently been more than 20 years in the Tourism Industry all the while having interest in eatery and culinary. Also wishing to bring all their ever tasted recipes on table to the public with affordable condition, added vision to run their own eating house locally and foreseeing the market opportunity in the f&b industry enabled Alan Lim with wife Cora Siah began their very home-based chinese confectionery/baking & catering career in the year of 2020 named the “Lion Sight Kitchen” with their patience along the journey. With experiences & recipes on-hand and with vision to further their exposure in the field allowed the couple Alan Lim & Cora Siah decided then successfully established their very first couple-run Chinese Family Kitchen/Restaurant officially on “Lion Sight Kitchen” in the mid of year 2022 at Subang2 (Bandar Pinggiran Subang), Shah Alam serving more of their home-cooked signatures to the public. And finally being recognised among the best in town by the Malaysian F&B E-Media for the year of 2024 on the middle nation at Selangor.

In this Lion Sight Kitchen, the owners’ very first top recommended in menus will be their signature “Steamed Talapia with Bean Sauce” which most wanted by their regulars all the while. Local fresh water talapia fish on weight of 800grams & above commonly selected, cleaned then home-steamed for about 10 minutes (on size), and finally served hot on table with their special homemade fair sour sweet spices bean sauce into pineapple & strawberry in combination, toppings of home-fried pork lards & celery leaves will brings the wonderful fish freshness smooth with slight fruit’s tasty swallowed kind of their Steamed Talapia Fish with Bean Sauce eatery that you must have a try when reached Subang2, Shah Alam.

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Secondly will be their famous “Claypot Sultan Fish”, also among the restaurant’s recent daily selection wanted by the locals here. Wildlife river sultan fish (ikan jelawat) all the way from Sarawak selected, in-house steamed for about 10 minutes then served boiling hot in claypot with their special chef’s home-mixed soy sauce broth, complete toppings of deep fried ginger shredded, fried garlic oil, chopped chili padi & celery leaves will brings another unbelievable sultan fish’s smooth freshness bites kind of wildlife river fish eatery that you will neither found the same elsewhere in town here.

Another will be their very home recipe on “Braised Pork Belly with Salted Vegetable”, always among the local’s favourite selection in the traditional Hakka cuisine menus here. Local fresh pork belly cleaned then boil-cooked in about half an hour, followed by deep fried and prepared in sliced pieces, finally home-steamed at least 2 hours with their home fried preserved/pickled salted veges in bamboo wooden basket will always their best authentic Hakka’s delicacy eatery that you will never regret after tasted here. Especially the belly’s smoothness and soft tasty bites itself into mouth that you cannot aside here.

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Nonetheless, the owners also introduced their all time favourite recommended “Homemade Rice Wine Chicken” which like by most of their customers from the beginning. Their homemade chinese rice wine (at least in 3 months fermented) cooked with chicken cutted pieces (meat chicken or garden free-range chicken on customer’s preference), mixed into ginger shredded & black fungus and finally served boiling hot on table will brings the oldies & exotic nice salty sweet tasty kind of chinese rice wine chicken soup eatery that you really cannot missed when stepped into this best recognised Chinese Family Kitchen/Restaurant “Lion Sight Kitchen” at Subang2, Shah Alam on the middle nation Selangor.



Address: No. 50-G,
Jalan Bulan BN U5/BN,
Bandar Pinggiran Subang,
40150 Shah Alam,

Business Hours: 11:00am to 10:00pm (Daily)
(Closed on Tuesday)




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